« 巴黎订舱代理法国米兰订舱代理MSC、OOCL船务 »


分类: 其它服务 发布: admin 浏览: 日期: 2013年6月14日

经保税区政府、海关、港口集团批准,我公司可开展物流园区“直提”服务,即“凭海运提单复印件可先行将货物或集装箱提至园区内拆箱或堆存,待通关手续完毕后来我公司提货。” 较之港口“特转”业务功能更便捷,既可避免转栈费,滞报金、滞箱费,同时可以根据发货需要分批缴纳关税
Free Trade Zone by the government , customs ,port ,group approval , our company can carry out logistics park “direct reference ” service tha is “based on a copy of Bill of Lading may be refereed to the goods or containers to the park or stockpiling devanning , customs procedures to be completed later delivery company ” port than the “special transfer” business more convenient and can avoid costs to the stack , at the same time can avoid the insurance business or other industries , stagnation box fees , and at the same time the need for delivery in batches according to the payment of customs duties .拆箱业务-----我司在天津新港拥有一万平方米堆场,可同时容纳1000多个集装箱。为客户可以提供专业的拆箱业务,避免因为国外装箱及国内卸货造成的箱损问题。




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