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欧洲航线 格丁尼亚

分类: 货运公司 发布: admin 浏览: 日期: 2012年11月16日

international manufacturing and construction projects. Our mission is to supply as much of the equipment, supplies and raw materials as our customers require in order for them to construct their facilities and manufacture their products.

We are partners for many of our customers from initiation of a project throughout the life of the project and providing construction machinery, power equipment, tools, and raw materials. We even provide food and daily necessities for construction works and staff manning the production facilities. We have supplied projects in India, Saudi Arabia, Oman, South Africa, Botswana and other countries worldwide.

We recognize that fast, reliable and affordable logistics are a must-have for provision of products that are key for manufacturing and construction projects and have spent years cultivating our key logistics partners who are leaders for moving both container and break bulk cargo which allows us to provide timely and headache free delivery of your vital supplies.

We are dedicated to delivering value and save you time and money. 欧洲航线 法国 勒哈佛 SH 34
欧洲航线 荷兰 鹿特丹 HK/SH 35
欧洲航线 德国 汉堡 HK/SH 37
欧洲航线 比利时 泽布吕赫 HK/SH 40
欧洲航线 安特卫普 ROT 36
欧洲航线 爱尔兰 都柏林 ROT 40
欧洲航线 科克 ROT 40
欧洲航线 芬兰 科特卡 ROT 40
欧洲航线 赫尔辛基 ROT 40
欧洲航线 葡萄牙 里斯本 ROT 40
欧洲航线 雷克索斯 ROT 40
欧洲航线 西班牙 毕尔包 ROT 40
欧洲航线 比戈 ROT 40
欧洲航线 波兰 格但斯克 ROT 46
欧洲航线 格丁尼亚 ROT 46
欧洲航线 英格兰 贝尔法斯特 ROT 42
欧洲航线 菲利克斯托 SH 40
欧洲航线 瑞典 哥德堡 ROT 38
欧洲航线 俄罗斯 圣彼得堡 HBG 42
欧洲航线 拉脱维亚 里加 ROT 46
欧洲航线 立陶宛 克莱佩达 ROT 46
欧洲航线 爱沙尼亚 塔林 ROT 46




定舱热线手机和微信:13711127975 QQ:1250528657 外贸找中海运来.好运来